What does dream mean? Does dreams have a meaning in real life? Information About the Dream:
Someone who sleeps 8 hours a day spends one third of his life asleep. Can you imagine; If you have a lifespan of 70 years, 23 of them are spent asleep, which is as much time as the life of a young person. While our body and nerves, tired from daily activities, rest during sleep, we also experience an event specific to sleep: Dreaming.
Our dreams, whose biological content, functioning and purposes are not yet fully understood, have been in the field of interest of both scientists and clergy almost since the beginning of humanity. Experiments and research are being conducted about dreams, explanations are sought in religious teachings and books, etc. Throughout human history, dream interpretations have aroused interest, and people have tried to make sense of dreams that they believe have a message and to predict the future through dreams. But the question 'what is a dream?' is still a question that does not have an adequate answer, dreams still pose a mystery to people.
Most dreams occur in the phase of sleep called REM. The duration of dreams seen in this phase, also called the dream sleep phase, which we usually reach 70 to 90 minutes after falling asleep, varies between 9 minutes and 28 minutes. You may also think that you are dreaming in the early stages of sleep; However, according to research, these should be interpreted as dreams, not dreams. Since REM sleep occurs in the last half of the night, dreams occur mostly in the morning.
We dream approximately 5-6 times during an average sleep time. Since there is no definitive and satisfactory answer to the question 'What is a dream?', the subject always arouses interest and curiosity. On the other hand, explanations and beliefs about dreaming vary according to the beliefs, traditions and customs of societies. Dreaming is generally accepted as experiencing events that make you happy, happy, sad or anxious, even while you are asleep.
Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, is among the names of ancient Greek culture interested in dreams and dream interpretation. Hippocrates gave answers to the question of what dreams are in his own field. Some of Hippocrates' works are based on the relationships between dreams and some diseases. The terms oneiromancy and oneirology, which are frequently used in dream terminology; It comes from the god named Oneiros, who is considered the god of dreams in the ancient Greek tradition. A book called 'Dreams' was written by the famous philosopher Aristotle. One of the most well-known names in the interpretation of dreams in ancient times is an oniromancy expert from Ephesus named Artemidorus.
Oniromancy, which can be defined as the part of divination that is subject to dreams or the art of learning about the future and secret things through dreams, was banned in 590 after the Papacy classified dreams as divine and demonic. Roman Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius, a grammarian and neo-platonist philosopher; In a study he conducted, he divided dreams into 5:
Dreams that arise from situations such as fear, anxiety, or some substances taken into the body through eating and drinking. / Half-sleep dreams. / Prophetic dreams. / Dreams sent by God to those in duty. / Clear prophetic dreams. / Dreams that require interpretation.
According to many modern psychologists, it is possible to detect clues about our mental state that we are not aware of and that we push into the subconscious, based on dreams. Alfred Adler, a famous psychologist, said that people in ancient times were much more interested in dream interpretation than people today and that they had made more progress in the language of dreams.
Famous psychologist Sigmund Freud also paid great attention to sleep and dreams in his research. According to Freud, there are many hidden truths in our subconscious that are looking for a way to emerge; Some of these are things we try to hide even from ourselves. Dreaming is a way for these phenomena to emerge, show themselves, and remind them of their existence. Sigmund Freud; In his work titled 'Dreams and Their Interpretations' (Die Traumdeutung), which is one of his first books, he puts forward the following thesis in response to the question 'What is a dream?': Dreams are the impulses and desires, most of which include aggression and sexuality, that we repress during daily life, do not show, and throw into the subconscious during sleep. is to emerge.
Great importance is given to the subject of dreams in Sufism. Llewellyn Vahughan-Lee, who studies the subject of dreaming from a Sufi perspective and is a follower of the Sufi path, approaches the issue of dreams from a Sufi perspective and stated that dreams are mirrors in which we can see ourselves. According to this view, our dreams reflect our hidden self, revealing the true face of our nature. Thanks to dreams, which are the doors to our inner world where true beauty and mystery reside, we can reach the secrets of our inner world, which are both familiar and foreign to us. Every spiritual traveler who wants to find his way has to dive into his own inner land, and our dreams can be guides that allow us to step into the land of the soul.
The belief that some dreams are of divine origin is quite common. According to some schools of thought, man's relationship with the celestial world can only occur while he sleeps. Dream is mentioned in the Surah Yusuf in the Holy Quran, and the word dream is also mentioned in the Surahs Saffat and Fetih. Dreams called somnium and visions called 'visio' are mentioned with importance in the Old and New Testaments. Jewish scholar Moses ibn Maimon said that everything revealed to the prophets was conveyed to them as visions, that revelations were also included in these visions, and that the prophet understood the meaning of this vision when he became awake and conscious. According to Meymun; Other people who are not prophets need to tell someone about the dream they had when they wake up and have their dream interpreted.
According to research, most people have black and white dreams, and women have more colorful dreams than men. Dreams are generally classified into 6 items. Dreams about events that occupy the person's mind, that he is interested in or affected by at the time, are not interpreted. This situation is not considered as dreaming but as being under the influence of something. Dreams, known as nightmares or nightmares, usually start well and then turn scary. Images that are beautiful and enjoyable or unimpressive become increasingly terrifying. Having a nightmare creates fear in a person, the person realizes that he is in a dream and wants to wake up, but most of the time he cannot achieve this. Nightmares are not interpreted either; It is evaluated by doctors and psychiatrists.
Dreams that are called real dreams come true as they are, and such dreams are very valuable. It is recommended that those who see this type of dreams, which are mostly seen by people with strong intuition and mediums, evaluate what they see carefully. For example, in your dream you see someone you haven't seen for a long time, and after a while this person appears in real life. The most common dreams that require dream interpretation are the dreams in which the person sees various things and remembers some of them when he wakes up.
The fifth type of dreams, called 'dream within a dream', needs to be paid close attention to. In this type of dreams, the person interprets the dream he sees while he is dreaming, and the dream interpretation is most likely to come true. The sixth type of dreams, which are considered the most interesting type of dreams, are also called recurring dreams. In these cases, the person often sees the same dream, being in the same place or experiencing the same event.