Women's Gynecology and Obstetrics


What are the signs of a healthy woman? Health Issues for Every Women.

Women's Gynecology and Obstetrics

The general name for urological diseases seen in women is gynecology. The branch of science that deals with these diseases is gynecology. Doctors who have specialized in these diseases are also called gynecologists. This branch of science and specialists deal with all kinds of diseases related to the female reproductive organs. Since the subject of birth and the subject of gynecology are complementary parts, it is considered correct to call gynecologists as gynecology and obstetrics specialists.

Every subject related to the female reproductive organs also concerns this branch of science. Preventing and treating diseases that develop in the female reproductive organs is of great importance. Since a disease that develops here is likely to grow and progress and damage other organs, these diseases must definitely be kept under control. However, since a disease that develops in the female reproductive organs will damage the reproductive organs, it can reduce the woman's reproductive ability or even cause it to disappear, therefore treatment is essential.

Since diseases that develop in these organs can affect a woman's sexual life and cause serious psychological problems in women, treatment is essential. These diseases can sometimes manifest themselves, but sometimes they can be insidious. For this reason, it is important for women to have a gynecologist check-up at least twice a year for their health.

Symptoms of Female Diseases;

Diseases that develop in the female reproductive organs, of course, have some symptoms, as in all diseases. These symptoms are also evaluated as complaints caused by the disease. The first of these is pain and is usually experienced in the groin. The second is abnormal bleeding. In this complaint, the patient may experience bleeding without a normal menstrual period or may experience bleeding that is longer and more than normal during the menstrual period.

Another complaint is the most common discharge when there is a disorder in the female reproductive organs. No matter how often you change your underwear, a yellowish discharge and the smell that follows it are among the possible symptoms that will bother you.

Finally, the most common complaint is abdominal enlargement, and here the woman has a tense abdomen. Experiencing all or even one or two of the symptoms mentioned does not indicate that the woman has a disease, and to say for sure that there is no disease, it is necessary to go to a gynecologist and if there is a disease, it is necessary to receive treatment.

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